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You can displayclouds on maps separately or combine them for each floor. A distinctiveJet Stream map is intended for professionals. The map shows gusts bothabsolute and relative, which is the difference between the basicwind and the gust and is more suitable for flying. On the map, you can viewthe different levels you need or look at the extent of unstableareas or simply rely on the map usability. To obtain the vertical profileof a particular place simply hold your finger over any place ormaps of the airport or the starting area. Everything can be zoomed in the range from about2km to about 12km above sea level. A newfeature is the indication of the inverse level, which can affectthe thermal flow. The cloud floorsare color-coded and correspond to the clouds on the map. Furthermore, thepower and height of instability, convection condensation level,zero isotherm and clouds of all floors on a scale. In a clear vertical profile from the ground up to aheight of about 12 km, the basic parameters such as force (colorscale is adapted to flying) and wind direction, gusts andtemperature, humidity and dew point are displayed. Aero XC displays forecast information as easily aspossible. Do you want to know what the wind will blow atheight or at the ground? Would you like to go soaring or are youlooking for proper thermals? Do you fly paragliding, rogalo orultralight or maybe with something bigger? Then this application isfor you. Weather forecast with an extensive vertical profile. For useduring the night,there is a dark theme which can be activatedeither manually orautomatically by the system (depending on yourAndroid version). Additionally anauto-managed groupalways presents nearby weather stations. foryour most commonroutes or alternate airports. Theycan be organized in user defined groups - e. New weatherstations can befound worldwide by ICAO or IATA-Codes, airport nameor city. This wayyou can easilykeep track of new and relevant NOTAM.

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As a bonus the app offers accessto NOTAM for theweather stations, which will be downloaded, inpart decoded andwhich can individually be marked as read. Runway crosswindcomponents areautomatically calculated based on the current METAR.A Widget whichcan be configured to display either decoded METAR orraw METAR / TAFis also available. A simple Color Coding allows a fastclassification byVFR or IFR Conditions - as an option even by NATOColor State.Additionally the current TAF weather forecasts areretrieved anddisplayed clearly in a decoded form. The METAR-Reader decodes and presentsthecurrent METARs of more than 9500 Airports around the globe.Neithermore nor less. The reliable and straightforward Aviation Weather app for Pilotsandaerospace enthusiasts.

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